Shore Industry

  • Factory Inspection
  • Risk Analysis
  • Valuation
  • Appraisal Services
  • Loss Adjusting
  • Claims Management

Factory Inspection

- On behalf of Ministry of Manpower, Development and Employment (Department of Factory Inspectorate) Ghana, Wiltex Limited has been approved as competent enough to carry out the duties of steam boilers, unfired pressure vessel and lifting machinery inspectors.

Risk Analysis

- We support the role of Insurance Underwriters and Insurance Brokers with risk analysis. Insurable risks include losses to property resulting from fire, explosion, windstorm etc. losses of life or health; legal liability arising out of use of automobiles, occupancy of buildings, employment or manufacture. We assist by;

1. Identification of risk related problems
2. Evaluation of their potential effects
3. Identification and analysis of possible solutions
4. Adoption of the most appropriate solutions
5. Monitoring of results


- Wiltex Limited valuation Services Division has performed numerous aspects of valuation-plant, machinery and equipment, buildings, vehicles and office equipment. We prepare assets register and help with corporate policy with regard to depreciation and replacement of obsolete equipment with the view to giving value for money to customers.

Appraisal Services

- We have provided appraisal services for well over 20 years. We operate in all appraisals related sectors, including landing appraisal, real estate expertise and post disaster damage estimates. Our Team includes a group of highly skilled appraisers, along with a number of technicians specializing in estimation, property appraisals, civil engineering and architecture.

Loss Adjusting

- Although dealing primarily with more traditional losses, our clients also benefit from a range of specialist unit and a team of expert consultants. We endeavor to offer our clients a wide range of services, while maintaining a high level of quality.

Our main services include;

  • Fire and business interruption
  • Conservation and restorations
  • Vehicle
  • Marine
  • Liability units

Claims Management

- We are a company that specializes in claims management and can handle every aspect of your claims from start to finish and direct field investigations. Our claims management philosophy is to investigate for the payment of legitimate claims promptly while aggressively defending fraudulent claims on the client’s behalf. In order to provide clients with the most efficient claims management services available, all our claims personnel are members of integrated client services. They combine the functions of claims management, loss control, enhancing our ability to provide integrated client services. They work with our Loss Control staff to encourage the development and implementation of a comprehensive client safety program to help prevent losses. Emphasis is placed on thorough investigation of coverage, liability and damages in all cases with active employer involvement in the management of individual claims being assured.